When can you apply manure?
The Cadman CMA enables farmers to apply manure virtually whenever it is required. Manure can be applied to crops before, after, and now during the crop cycle. Nutrient can be applied to the crop up until it reaches 3 to 4 feet tall.
How to maximize the value of manure?
You can maximize the value of manure by applying it at it’s peak nutritional value – when it is fresh. Applying manure with the Cadman CMA row crop unit could give a potential of a 200 bushel corn crop by basically using manure only.
How do you eliminate compaction?
You eliminate compaction by incorporating a linear drag hose system. The CMA carries enough hose (a ½ mile) so you don’t have to drive over the same path repeatedly by filling and refilling exceedingly heavy tankers which damages and compacts soil.
How to solve an ongoing environmental concerns?
With the CMA, the manure is pumped right from the manure source to the CMA and row crop injector which is then injected directly into the ground – exactly where it is supposed to go. Injecting nutrient directly into the soil eliminates any chance of nutrient run-off, keeping watersheds clear of contamination.
How to combat the rising cost of synthetic fertilizers?
Manure is a more readily available nutrient source. Using manure increases the water-holding capacity / infiltration / organic matter of soil better than synthetic fertilizers. Simply put, manure is a superior replacement for fertilizers and when applied correctly – in a timely matter with a Cadman CMA – you will see greater results at a fraction of the cost.